Wednesday, June 13, 2012
Almost 30?!
Golly! So much to say and so little time! Well, that little puking baby is almost 2 now! I am excited to throw her a monkey party and see her light up when she sees her streamers, cake and presents! I got her a laptop and I'm hoping to get my iPad back...she is slightly obsessed with watching Backyardigans and Curious George on it as well as playing some fun toddler apps I downloaded.
I finally got an iPhone!!! This has been a dream of mine for a while and I feel like one of the last one's in the universe to get one! Yay! That is my new toy, but the trick will be to keep it pocketed, except for phone calls and some texts, when Olivia's around so A: she won't be jealous of the attention I give to it and B: she won't destroy it like my last phone! Wish me luck! She is just so smart and she really loves technology. Seriously!
Other stuff she is doing and saying is, "I got it!" (whether you actually got it for her is irrelevant), "What that?" (especially when she burps and points in her mouth) and jumping is one of her favorite ways to show off. She also says "Wuv wu" for "Love you," which is super adorable! There's tons more, of course, but I have to be brief.
In other news, my after school care job is almost over for the year and boy did that whiz by! It was super fun and a great experience and I did get to do some subbing in the mornings as well this year, so I got to spend some time in the classroom also. I am currently not sure what's next, but considering subbing full-time next year, attempting to get a teaching job or perhaps going back to after school work. I need a job for summer as well, but no idea what I will find yet. Its a little nerve-wrecking, but I have faith that something will come up. I know that I am capable!
Oh and did I mention that I'll be 30 the end of this month? No biggie! Ha ha! NOT! Its an age I never expected to enjoy so much, though, I will say that! I think it is the best time of life so far, not college years, like I thought before... Jared and I are happy and exhausted, with each other and our little one, and looking forward to the break my big sis has offered to give me for my birthday weekend by taking Olivia for a few days. I'm thinking maybe a Jimmy Buffett theme with Cheeseburgers in Paradise and Margaritas in Margaritaville, etc. You'll be getting an invite soon, I'm sure!
There's a couple of other things that have happened this last year that are a little sensitive and I hate to just throw them in here, but most of you know I met my birthmom a few years ago and have made good friends with my half-brothers and made phone contact with my birthfather and a few phone calls were exchanged. Well, I got to be a bridesmaid in Nat and Laurel's wedding and they are now excellent and living in Portland with their awesome roommate, Rihana. They've even babysat for us! I love keeping in touch with them and being able to! My birthmother, Michele, did pass away shortly after their wedding last August of cancer. We had a little warning, but never enough. It was very bitter losing someone I just met, but I will need to do further reflecting and processing later. Also, my birthdad did of mostly cerosis of the liver, which I still can't spell, but his health had been getting worse for a while. Both of them were fairly young as in 53ish and 66ish, but I just hope they are resting comfortably in a better place now and I pray for their families and people they knew and loved.
Thanks for reading, hope all are well that I haven't caught up with in a while. Talk to you soon!

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