Here's a tidbit of what it's like when you're crazy in the head like Mugsy (and what it's like to live with him):
"Aroof (tilt head to side as if I might be able to understand if I do this)?"
"What are you doing? Where are you going? You're walking that way? YOU'RE GOING OUTSIDE?! I want to come! Can I come? Open the door! Come on, what're you waiting for?! OH! You want me to sit? I forgot you make me do that every time. Ok, I sat! Can I go? Can I go? I'M IN THE YARD! (run side to side lightening fast and inspect for demons or ghosts or strangers) A flying fly! Arf! Darn! Missed it! (run up onto the raised border, even though I know I'm not supposed to, just to show how excited I am) AH! My tail! Hurry, GET IT! Chase it! GROWL! SNARF! WHoa! A gust of wind! That's shocking! (whip head quickly in opposite direction while looking uber alert) Ok, everything's fine. Don't worry, I took care of it with my manliness. STRANGER DANGER!!!! RRR, RRR, RRR!~ Hazootalo! I have spotted an intruder! Growl, growl, growl. (sniff stranger skeptically, jolting back every couple of seconds in case it lunges at me) Why does it smell like plastic?! I've never seen this before in my life! Eh, it's not movin'. I must've scared it stiff. GOOD! That's what I DO!!!!! (continue running about the yard and being suprised at everything I see)"
In conclusion, if you're wondering who the "intruder" was toward the end there, it was his plastic bin (yes, an inanimate object) that sits in his exercise pen every day with him. I had rinsed it out because he peed in it (which is what it is for) and left it upside down to dry in the backyard last night. It's an exhausting lifestyle, but somebody's gotta do it. The rest of us have no idea what neurotic people and dogs and other creatures go through to protect and serve. I personally am very thankful that Mugsy would never let a blade of grass quiver without bringing it to my attention.