I think I win the prize for most spastic blogging ever. No consistency or follow-through whatsoever, but hey, its better than nothing!~ I must admit, I use Facebook a lot to post pics and give updates/see what other people are up to. So, to catch you all up briefly...
...we had fun in Cancun, Hannah got a boyfriend named John, Nat moved in, Candy and Scott got married, Ali is applying for night school to get her Master of Arts in Teaching at George Fox (trust me, we don't all want to hang presidential candidates - there are crazies at every school, right?) because she wants to be a middle school teacher someday, I can't wait to go to Cody and Emily's wedding someday, we're planning a Halloween party at which we'll be wearing Street Fighter costumes, we're looking forward to snowboarding this year, we're still attending our beloved Life Group sometimes (but hope it will pick itself back up soon here as it's been in sort of a lull over the summer), we're staying home for the holidays (Thanksgiving and Christmas namely), Jared is probably pretty overwhelmed, but overall LIFE IS GOOD.
Not suprisingly, I also win the prize for longest run-on sentence. Yay me!